How to Tell Which Neuromodulator is Right For You
With new neuromodulators being released every couple of years, it can be hard to determine which one is right for you and your cosmetic concerns. In fact, it can sometimes be a little overwhelming for some patients when there are so many options available. One of the questions that we get from our patients is, “What’s the difference between Botox and other neuromodulators like Dysport?” Let’s take a closer look and see.
Botox is the most popular neuromodulator out there and for a good reason. Botox is made by a company called Allergan who is notorious for delivering patients with an excellent product each and every time. The unique thing about Botox is that it was initially created for medical purposes, but now it’s famous for a bunch of reasons (primarily cosmetic). And, the great thing about Botox is that, so you know that it is safe.
Dysport is another neuromodulator that we offer at our office. Although both of these are made out of a similar neurotoxin, they are different. Specifically, about two to three units Dysport equals one units of Botox. So, if you have had 40 units of Botox in the past, you will need about 80 units of Dysport in order to get similar results. One of the biggest things that patients like Dysport it is that it starts to kick in a lot faster (about two days faster) than Botox which is always a plus.
If this is your first time getting a neuromodulator injection, then it’s good to know a few of the fundamental distinctions between these two. During your initial consultation with us at our office, we will discuss the pros and cons of each of these injections as well as which one we think will give you the best results. Are you ready to hop on the neuromodulator bandwagon? Contact our Huntington office today at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Fillers & Injectables
What Makes Sculptra So Unique?
When it comes to aging, nothing can be more fulfilling than looking back at all that you’ve accomplished and everything that you’ve learned. On the other hand, nothing can be quite as discouraging as looking in the mirror and seeing loose, sagging skin. Luckily, there are a wide variety of dermal fillers that can help temporarily improve the appearance of volume loss, fine lines, and wrinkles. Here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we provide patients with several different dermal fillers including Sculptra. But what is Sculptra and what makes it so unique? Let’s dive a little deeper to see.
It’s Made of Synthetic
MaterialMost dermal fillers are made of a naturally occurring substance in the body called hyaluronic acid. Although hyaluronic acid-based fillers are very popular and effective, they are usually metabolized by the body a lot faster. Sculptra, on the other hand, is made of a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid which takes a lot longer for the body to absorb.
It’s Been Around for a Longtime
Unlike other fillers that are fairly new to the cosmetic market, Sculptra has been around for quite some time. In fact, the earliest forms of Sculptra (which have since been improved upon) started during the AIDS and HIV epidemic of the 80’s.
You Get a Lot More
When you typically purchase other fillers you purchase between .8cc-1.5 cc. However, when you purchase Sculptra you are purchasing a 7 cc vial which means that we can do a whole lot more with it than with other fillers.
It’s More Affordable
After two treatment sessions, your results can last up to two years. Whereas, most fillers only last one year on average. When you calculate how much you are getting with each vial and how long they last, you end up paying 1/7th of the cost of other fillers which saves you a lot of money in the long run.
If you want to learn more about Sculptra or some of our other dermal fillers, contact our Huntington office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Fillers & Injectables
Why injectables Make the Perfect Christmas Present to Yourself
Having fine lines, wrinkles, and a loss of volume on your face are three things that no lady wants. However, unless you have a secret power that nobody knows about, it’s bound to happen to you. Whether you are still in your 20’s or you are in your 30’s, it’s never too early (or too late) to treat your fine lines and wrinkles. After all, isn’t aging all about doing it gracefully?
Here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we offer patients a variety of both surgical and non·invasive treatments to help them look younger and feel more confident in the skin they are in. With Christmas just around the comer, why not let us help you take care of your skin? As the perfect Christmas gift to yourself, let’s take a closer look at why injectables are so worth it.
They Work Quickly
If you want fast results, then look no further than injectables. On average, facial fillers only take a couple of hours to work. Whereas, injectables like Botox take about 5- 7 days to show results. Whether you go with an injectable like dermal fillers or Botox, it’s safe to say that a wait time of a week to see results is no time at all.
They Work Well
As long as you get the right amount and you get them done by professionals (like at our office), you can plan on seeing real results from your injectables. During your initial consultation, we will discuss what kinds of results you are going for and then give you a better idea of how we can help you get there.
There Is No Downtime
Unless you live a life of luxury, you probably don’t have a lot of time to take off during the holidays to recover from an elective surgery. Here at our office, we know that all of our patients have busy lives which is another reason why we offer injectables. One of the many benefits of injectables is that there is no downtime or recovery required which means that you won’t have to worry about any of that at all.
Give yourself a gift that’s fast, effective, and that doesn’t require any recovery. To learn more about injectables like fillers and Botox, contact our Huntington office and give us a call at (631)423·1000.
- Published in Fillers & Injectables
3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Lip Injections
Lip fillers are a great way to temporarily transform your appearance without having to go under the knife. Whether you are in your early twenties or late sixties, lip fillers can help enhance your appearance, make you look younger, or give you that extra boost of confidence you’ve been wanting. Here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we have a few tips to help you get even more out of your lip fillers.
Nothing is worse than having newly plumped lips only to have a layer of dry skin on top. To help get rid of that excess, dead, dry, chapped skin on your lips, try either investing in a lip scrub or making your own. With simple ingredients like sugar and coconut oil, you can easily get rid of your chapped lips.
If you don’t already, make sure that you carry around a moisturizing lip balm with you. Lip balms are a great way to keep your lips hydrated and accentuate your newly plump pout. Plus, there are a variety of makeup lines that sell tinted lip moisturizers so that you can not only feel great but look great in the process.
Line Them
Yes, this trend may have been popular in the 90’s, but lip liner is back and in full swing. If you want to take your newly volumized pout one step further, try using lip liner. By lining your lips, you can highlight them even more and make them stand out a bit more than normal.
Having fuller, sexier lips doesn’t stop with injections. By exfoliating, moisturizing, and even lining your lips, you can get the pout of your dreams. Are you ready to schedule your lip filler consultation? Contact our Huntington office today at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Fillers & Injectables
Dysport VS Botox
In the world of injectables, Botox has been consistently popular amongst patients for the last decade or more. However, now that there’s a new injectable in town (Dysport) many patients are wondering what the difference is between these two products and how to know what one is right for them. To help you better understand both Botox and Dysport, we have created a brief guide. Read on to learn more.
Apples to Apples
One of the most important things to know about Botox and Dysport is that they are very similar to each other. In fact, comparing these two injectables is basically like comparing apples to apples. Both Botox and Dysport are derived from the botulinum toxin A, a naturally derived component found in your skin that we lose with age. When injected into your facial muscles, Botox and Dysport relax the muscles in the face— leaving you with a smoother forehead and less visible lines and wrinkles. Although there are many similarities between these two injectables, there are a few key differences.
One of the many benefits of Dysport is that it starts to show its results faster than Botox in about 2-3 days on average. Additionally, Dysport spreads more quickly across large areas of the face like the forehead. Depending on the areas of your face that we are targeting, Dysport may be more effective for your specific needs than Botox.
Typically, Botox is more expensive than Dysport, but it has been known to last a little longer as well— making it worth the additional price. Because Botox doesn’t spread as easily as Dysport, it is better to use to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, eyebrows, and across certain more concentrated parts of the forehead.
During your initial consultation with our staff at Associated Plastic Surgeons & Consultants, we will go over your skincare options and help you determine whether Dysport or Botox is better for you. To learn more about these injectables or to schedule an appointment, contact Associated Plastic Surgeons & Consultants today!
- Published in Fillers & Injectables
Optimize Your Halloween Costume with These Tricks
With Halloween just around the corner, everyone is changing their appearance in order to look like something they’re not. Whether you’re dressing up as something sexy and seductive, scary and bloody, or funny and creative, Halloween is the perfect time to put on your A-game and really spice everything up. Read on to learn more about fun techniques you can try in order to really take your costume to the next level.
Filler on Up
If you have always wanted a sexier and fuller pout but just have never had an excuse to get one, make this season your time to shine. By getting lip fillers like Juvederm done, you can completely transform your look and get the big, sexy lips you deserve. Plus, you can show off your newly done lips at your next Halloween party— just make sure that your costume and makeup help to accentuate your new plumped up pout.
Chemical Peel
If your skin has an uneven tone and texture, it can be hard to apply things like makeup without having it looked like it’s caked on. Make sure your Halloween makeup really sticks this year and opt to get a chemical peel a few weeks before your next big party. During the process, a chemical will be applied to your skin and then during the following few weeks, the top layers of your skin will slowly start to slough off–revealing a smoother and more even looking complexion.
Another great way to get your skin cleared up and looking glowy before Halloween is to schedule a facial appointment with an esthetician. Facials are a great way to rid your skin of dirt, oil, and blemishes, all while leaving it looking glowy and healthy in just a few hours.
Prepare for Halloween the right way this year and consider one of these three facial treatments. From getting Juvederm to getting a simple facial done, you can help to get the perfect face that’s ready for your next Halloween party.
To learn more about these facial procedures and other treatments, contact our office today!
- Published in Fillers & Injectables
Want a Smoother Forehead? 3 Ways to Get the Results You Want
Nothing can age you quite like your driver’s license— and the wrinkles on your forehead. Similar to how you can gauge the age of a tree by the number of rings it has, you can also gauge someone’s age by the wrinkles on their face. If you are sick of being classified by your age or even a little bit older due to the amount of forehead wrinkles you have, it’s time to take matters into your own hands.
Everyone and their mom has heard of Botox. As the most popular facial filler on the market this wrinkle filler isn’t’ going anywhere. By making small injections of Botox into portions around your forehead and eyes, your doctor will be able to smooth out those aging wrinkles in no time. And, you can start seeing full results of Botox in just a week!
Chemical Peel
Chemical peels aren’t just for sun damaged or acne prone skin. In fact, chemical peels are a great way to speed up the production of collagen in your skin and stimulate growth of new skin cells— leaving you with less wrinkles and a younger looking you. The chemical peel process works by having a doctor or aesthetician apply the chemicals to your face and letting it sit on your skin for 5-10 minutes, after which the chemicals will be washed away, then within the next few days you will notice your skin start to peel and sluff off. This is an indication that the chemicals are working to reinstate the production of newer and healthier skin, which will give you less of an appearance of wrinkles.
IPL Photofacial
An IPL photofacial is a facial treatment that uses an intense pulse light to target the top layers of your skin and boost the production of collagen. After just a few treatments, you will notice a diminished appearance of fine lines and wrinkles across your forehead. The best part about an IPL photofacial? They don’t require any downtime or recovery time, so you can reapply make-up and get back to your regular schedule almost instantly.
Smooth out the wrinkles in your forehead with these three tools.
To learn more, contact our office today!
- Published in Fillers & Injectables