Dysport is an FDA-approved injection that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in the forehead. It is similar to Botox® Cosmetic as its mechanism blocks the ability of the facial muscles to contract. Dysport has the distinct advantage of being able to diffuse over 300 percent further into the skin than BOTOX, so fewer injection points are necessary. The procedure is shorter and limits the occurrence of the injection point irritation.
Who is the ideal candidate Dysport?
The ideal candidate is anyone looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines in the forehead is a Dysport candidate. There are also specialty uses for Dysport, including the reduction of underarm and palm sweating and cervical dystonia, including neck pain and abnormal head position.
How Long Does Dysport Take to administer?
Dysport treatments will take between 10 and 20 minutes to perform and consist of a series of injections at the target site.
What can I expect during recovery?
Dysport typically takes 5-7 days to reach its maximum effectiveness. Dr. Duboys recommends that you refrain from bending, stooping or lifting for 24 hours following your treatment.
Does Dysport Have Any Side Effects?
While extremely rare, Dysport has been known to cause some of the following reactions in patients: nose and throat irritation, headache, injection site pain, injection site skin reaction, upper respiratory tract infection, eyelid swelling, eyelid drooping, sinus inflammation and nausea.
Dysport is a product composed of plasma from human donors. Even so, there has never been a single case of any disease being transmitted via this procedure
Schedule a consultation
If you would like more information on Dysport®, contact our Long Island office today! Call (631) 423-1000 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Elliot Duboys.