When it comes to cosmetic injections and fillers, we at Associated Plastic Surgeons offer more than a few options for our patients to choose from. And, although fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are really popular amongst patients everywhere, we have a variety of other fillers that give patients equally as good of results including Perlane. If you’ve never heard of Perlane, you’re not alone. This article will answer a few frequently asked questions about this filler to help you feel a bit more informed.
What Is Perlane?
Similar to Juvederm and Restylane, Perlane utilizes hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is effective because as a naturally occurring substance in the body, you won’t have to worry about any weird or adverse reactions to these types of fillers. With Perlane, Dr. Duboys can help to eliminate laughter lines, deep folds, and fine lines. Additionally, he can also use rPerlane to help add volume and contour to your lips.
Am I A Good Candidate for Perlane?
One unique thing about Perlane is that it’s suitable for all skin types regardless of whether or not you have fine lines or thin skin. In fact, the hyaluronic acid particles in Perlane are thicker which makes them ideal for treating deeper lines and wrinkles.
Perlane Results
Results vary from patient to patient, but on average, they last about 6-9 months. After your first set of injections, we will be able to get a better feel for how long they will last moving forward.
Schedule a Consultation
Having smoother, more youthful skin is possible without having to undergo surgery. If you are interested in learning more about Perlane and other fillers, schedule a consultation at our Huntington, NY office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.