In this day and age, it can be hard to believe that one single non-invasive treatment can give you multiple benefits and great results. With our mesofacial at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we can give patients smoother, healthier, more youthful looking skin while also reducing the appearance of scars all across the face. But other than the amazing results that you can get from a mesofacial, what makes it so unique? Let’s take a closer look.
Mesofacial Is Fast
It can be hard to take time away from work— especially before the holidays. The great thing about the mesofacial is that it can be done in our office in just 30 minutes which means that you won’t’ have to take a lot of time away from your work or your family. Additionally, most patients can start wearing makeup again in just a couple of hours (6 hours at most) which means that you won’t have to worry about too much downtime.
It Uses Combined Technology
Another great benefit of the Mesofacial is that it uses combined technology to help target the top few layers of the skin. To start out, we will either use a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. The goal of both of these treatments is to target the top layer of the skin in order to encourage the production of new skin. After this step, we will use a non-cross linked hyaluronic acid that we will apply directly to the skin. Then, we will use a microneedling device to make tiny perforations into the skin; encouraging new cell growth and making the skin more easily absorb the hyaluronic acid.
It’s Effective
The biggest benefit of all is that the mesofacial is effective at giving patients real, lasting results without them having to undergo any type of surgery.
If you are interested in learning a little bit more about the Mesofacial, contact us at our Huntington office and call us today at (631) 423-1000.