Breast Augmentation & Teens
Know The Facts About Teenagers & Breast Implants
When determining if teenage breast augmentation is a viable option for teenage girls, it is important to have a firm understanding of the subject’s motive(s). Teen breast augmentation is designed for young girls with breast abnormalities to fit in with their peers while breast augmentation in mature women is often initiated to stand out.
Many teens undergo breast augmentation to improve physical aspects of their body that are flawed or may impact growth and development. In most cases, if these problems are left untouched they could affect the patient both physically and mentally throughout life. Teens more so than any other group gain confidence and self-esteem when physical flaws or problems are corrected. Many variables, including physical development and emotional maturity must be evaluated before determining if a young woman is ready for breast augmentation.
Is Teen Breast Augmentation Safe?
The majority of patients in their late teens-early 20s desiring breast augmentation are in good health and well-nourished. Consequently, the risks associated with the breast augmentation procedure are mitigated when compared to older women. Patients who smoke regularly should consider quitting before undergoing surgery as smoking greatly increases the risks associated with breast augmentation.
Age Restrictions
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations assert that women must be at least 18 years old to have saline breast implants and at least 22 years old to undergo breast augmentation with silicone implants. These regulations were established because during the late teens and early 20s, women’s’ bodies continue to mature. Established physical milestones in physical maturity must be reached before considering breast augmentation. Furthermore, patients any younger than this typically lack the emotional maturity to make such a decision and do not understand the risks and limitations that come hand-in-hand with breast augmentation procedures. The teenager must have realistic expectations about the life changes that will occur once the procedure is completed.
Younger patients considering breast augmentation will benefit from their youthful skin. Skin loses its elasticity as we age and the more supple skin of a patient in her late teens to early 20s will help to maintain the new position of her breast implants.
Make Sure She Is Ready
If your daughter is considering any type of breast procedure, whether it’s the correction of breast asymmetry, breast reduction or breast augmentation, the most important factor is to talk about the pros and cons and risks and limitations associated with the procedure. The three criteria to question are listed below:
- Did the teenager initiate the request?
- Parental support and consent are fundamental, but the desire for a breast augmentation must come from the teenager herself and cannot be a decision based on a whim. The request must be repeated over a long period of time.
- Does the teenager have realistic goals?
- As mentioned previously in this post, the teenager must have a realistic grasp on the limitation and benefits associated with plastic surgery.
- Does the teenager demonstrate the proper level of maturity?
- Teens must be mature enough to handle the recovery process associated with breast augmentation. This procedure is serious and is not intended for teens that undergo constant mood swings or who abuse drugs and or/alcohol.
Schedule A Breast Augmentation Consultation
If you and your daughter are ready to determine if she is a candidate for a breast augmentation, please contact us today to schedule an appointment. Dr. Elliot Duboys has been providing the Long Island, NY area with leading cosmetic surgery for over 30 years, and will take the time to walk you or your teen through all aspects of breast augmentation.
- Published in Breast Augmentation
Best Payday Loans Are Breast Implants Safe?
The Truth Behind Breast Implants & Breast Augmentation
Prior to making your decision to have a breast augmentation, it is important that you have a thorough understanding of the risks and complications that may arise from the surgery. This post is designed to provide you with information regarding the different types of breast implants, the facts associated with each and the advancements in breast augmentation.
Placement Of Breast Implants
Although both saline and silicone implants have an outer silicone shell, they are filled with a different material and inserted differently. Dr. Duboys utilizes the Keller Funnel technique when it comes to inserting silicone breast implants. The Keller Funnel allows plastic surgeons to insert the breast implant with greater ease and accuracy –minimizing the length of scar as well as contact with exposed tissue. Utilizing a Keller Funnel the breast implant is inserted with minimal touch that greatly reduces the chance of infection. Silicone implants come prefilled from the manufacturer while saline implants are filled in the operating room.
What If My Implant Ruptures?
If a saline breast implant ruptures, this will cause the implant to deflate and lead to a smaller breast. Although saline may be absorbed through your body without causing additional harm, you will likely need surgery to remove the silicone shell. If requested, a new implant may be placed when removing the failed implant.
Silicone implants have become a more popular choice over the years because silicon gel more closely resembles the feel of natural breast tissue. In the rare occasion that a silicone implant ruptures, it may go unnoticed for quite some time. Although leakage is not linked to health problems such as breast cancer, connective tissue disease, autoimmune disease or reproductive problems, it may cause pain or change in the shape of the breast. As with saline implants, a ruptured silicone breast implant will require surgery and may be replaced with a new one. If you suspect that your implant has ruptured you should contact your plastic surgeon immediately.
Advancements In Breast Implant & Augmentation Techniques
Over the last few years, the advances made in surgical breast augmentation techniques have resulted in fewer infections, ruptures and capsular contracture (hardening of implants). More recently, doctors and scientists have been working diligently to eliminate the need for silicone and saline implants and instead, use fat cells to be transplanted into the breasts. Fat cells will reduce the amount of complications caused by breast augmentations because they are a natural substance placed into the body, rather than a foreign object the body may reject.
Questions About Breast Implants & Breast Augmentation? Come See us.
If you are interested in breast augmentation, and live in the Long Island, New York area, schedule a complimentary consultation visit with Dr. Duboys today. Based upon your body type, anatomy, and other factors, Dr. Duboys will assist you in choosing the implant that would best fit your needs. For more information regarding breast augmentations please contact us or visit our office at a time of your convenience.
- Published in Plastic Surgery