Why injectables Make the Perfect Christmas Present to Yourself
Having fine lines, wrinkles, and a loss of volume on your face are three things that no lady wants. However, unless you have a secret power that nobody knows about, it’s bound to happen to you. Whether you are still in your 20’s or you are in your 30’s, it’s never too early (or too late) to treat your fine lines and wrinkles. After all, isn’t aging all about doing it gracefully?
Here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we offer patients a variety of both surgical and non·invasive treatments to help them look younger and feel more confident in the skin they are in. With Christmas just around the comer, why not let us help you take care of your skin? As the perfect Christmas gift to yourself, let’s take a closer look at why injectables are so worth it.
They Work Quickly
If you want fast results, then look no further than injectables. On average, facial fillers only take a couple of hours to work. Whereas, injectables like Botox take about 5- 7 days to show results. Whether you go with an injectable like dermal fillers or Botox, it’s safe to say that a wait time of a week to see results is no time at all.
They Work Well
As long as you get the right amount and you get them done by professionals (like at our office), you can plan on seeing real results from your injectables. During your initial consultation, we will discuss what kinds of results you are going for and then give you a better idea of how we can help you get there.
There Is No Downtime
Unless you live a life of luxury, you probably don’t have a lot of time to take off during the holidays to recover from an elective surgery. Here at our office, we know that all of our patients have busy lives which is another reason why we offer injectables. One of the many benefits of injectables is that there is no downtime or recovery required which means that you won’t have to worry about any of that at all.
Give yourself a gift that’s fast, effective, and that doesn’t require any recovery. To learn more about injectables like fillers and Botox, contact our Huntington office and give us a call at (631)423·1000.
- Published in Fillers & Injectables
How to Get Your Skin Christmas Card Ready
If screaming kids, matching outfits, and a bunch of fits are a part of your Christmas card then you are not alone. It’s safe to say that a messy Christmas card photo shoot is everyone’s normal. Even though we at Associated Plastic Surgeons may not be able to convince your kids that they need to behave, we can ensure that you are looking your best. From fighting acne to fine lines and wrinkles, we have a few fast solutions that will help you get the picture-perfect worthy complexion that you want.
Acne Scars
If you have acne scars that you are really concerned about then you may want to consider getting some chemical peels before your photo shoot. Depending on the type of chemical peel that we do, however, your skin may be red for several days afterward which means that you will have to plan accordingly. During your initial chemical peel consultation, we will go over what you can expect as far as healing time.
Fine Lines and Wrinkles
A photo says a thousand words which means that your fine lines and wrinkles can’t behind that lens. To help you get a more youthful appearance, we can use both fillers and Botox to help you get a smoother looking appearance. During your consultation, your doctor will discuss what injections they think will help you give the best results. The great thing about fillers is that they work almost immediately. Botox takes about seven full days to show full results but many patients start to see visible results in just five days.
You want to send your Christmas or holiday card out feeling confident about your appearance. If you want to learn a little bit more about how you can get a better-looking complexion, schedule a consultation with us at our Huntington office and contact us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Acne Treatment, MedSpa, Skin Care, Skin Care Treatments & Facials
3 Tips to Help You Avoid Post-Liposuction Holiday Weight Gain
Undergoing liposuction is one of the best ways for you to get rid of stubborn unwanted fat. If you have had a hard time losing a few extra pounds with diet and exercise, then liposuction may be your way to finally feel 100% about the body you are in. Even though liposuction can give you real, long-lasting results, we still encourage all of our patients to continue to eat a lean diet and get regular exercise. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, you may be wondering how on earth you’re going to eat healthily so that you don’t get your pre-lipo body back. Luckily, we have got your back and have created a list of a few ways to avoid that holiday weight gain.
Let’s take a closer look.
Skip the Alcohol
A glass or more of alcohol only means extra calories and on Thanksgiving, extra calories are the last thing that you want or need. Rather than adding more calories to your Thanksgiving feast, try to skip the alcohol altogether and just drink some water.
Skip the Seconds
Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving unless you went back for seconds, right? Unfortunately that extra helping of food is only going to add to your waistline. And chances are, you’re probably not even hungry for seconds. This Thanksgiving, try avoiding going back for more food and just let the first helping of food digest for a little bit.
Try Small Servings
In addition to using the tips listed above, try only dishing up small servings of food on your plate; you may be surprised at how full you get off of less food. When you are dishing up your plate, try to just get one small spoonful of everything; that way you get to try it all but you don’t eat too much.
It can be hard to have weight loss on your mind during the holidays. Use these tips to help you enjoy your Thanksgiving without worrying about post-lipo weigh gain. To learn more about liposuction recovery and tips, contact us at our Huntington office today at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Liposuction
3 Unique Benefits of the Mesofacial
In this day and age, it can be hard to believe that one single non-invasive treatment can give you multiple benefits and great results. With our mesofacial at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we can give patients smoother, healthier, more youthful looking skin while also reducing the appearance of scars all across the face. But other than the amazing results that you can get from a mesofacial, what makes it so unique? Let’s take a closer look.
Mesofacial Is Fast
It can be hard to take time away from work— especially before the holidays. The great thing about the mesofacial is that it can be done in our office in just 30 minutes which means that you won’t’ have to take a lot of time away from your work or your family. Additionally, most patients can start wearing makeup again in just a couple of hours (6 hours at most) which means that you won’t have to worry about too much downtime.
It Uses Combined Technology
Another great benefit of the Mesofacial is that it uses combined technology to help target the top few layers of the skin. To start out, we will either use a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. The goal of both of these treatments is to target the top layer of the skin in order to encourage the production of new skin. After this step, we will use a non-cross linked hyaluronic acid that we will apply directly to the skin. Then, we will use a microneedling device to make tiny perforations into the skin; encouraging new cell growth and making the skin more easily absorb the hyaluronic acid.
It’s Effective
The biggest benefit of all is that the mesofacial is effective at giving patients real, lasting results without them having to undergo any type of surgery.
If you are interested in learning a little bit more about the Mesofacial, contact us at our Huntington office and call us today at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Skin Care Treatments & Facials
How to Get Rid of The Summer Sun Damage This Fall
Now that we are clearly into fall and you have kissed the summer sun goodbye, for now, you may have some regrets regarding how much time you spent outside this summer and how much sun you exposed your skin to. Even though a lot of sunspots will fade on their own over time, there are some sun spots that may just want to stick around for the long haul. Luckily, here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we have a few non-invasive ways that we can help you get rid of the summer’s sun damage this fall. Let’s take a closer look at how.
The Antioxidant Sun Fader Facial
Getting a regular facial from our office is a great way to moisturize and hydrate your skin so that it’s smoother and healthier. In addition to getting a regular spa facial from our office, however, we also offer facials like the antioxidant sun fader facial that’s designed to help patients like you get rid of age spots caused by sun damage. By using a combination of Vitamins A, C, and E, we can help to rejuvenate and brighten the skin.
Intense Pulse Light
Another treatment that we may recommend is intense pulsed light or IPL which is designed to target the top few layers of the skin. By heating up the top layers of the skin, IPL works to encourage the growth of newer, healthier skin in its place. After multiple treatments, a lot of patients notice a significant difference in the appearance of their sunspots.
In addition to these types of treatments, we also encourage all of our patients to wear a good sunscreen every day that contains ingredients like zinc oxide in it. This extra layer of protection will help you to keep more sunspots from coming back and will help your skin full heal afterward.
Are you interested in learning more about how you can get rid of summer sun damage? Contact our Huntington office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Facial Rejuvenation, MedSpa
How to Make Sure Your Post Operative Scars Don’t End Up Leaving You Looking Like Frankenstein
Even though it’s fun to dress up like Frankenstein on Halloween, he’s the last person you want to resemble any other time of the year. If you are getting any kind of surgery done by Associated Plastic Surgeons and are worried about scarring, we have got you covered. Although our surgeons do their best to make incisions in places that are hidden, sometimes it’s not totally possible. Let’s take a closer look at some ways that you can make sure your post-operative scars don’t end up leaving you looking like Frankenstein.
Avoid the Sun
If you are the type of person that likes to spend a lot of time outside laying out in the sun, then this may be hard for you to face, but sun exposure can darken scars. Make sure that you avoid exposing your scars to any sort of sun exposure and if you do, make sure to cover them up with a lot of sunscreen, clothing, or a hat.
Don’t Pick
While your scars are healing, they may be a little uncomfortable and itchy. Even though you may want to pick at them and scratch them, this will only make them more visible and worse. Make sure that you avoid picking at your scars as much as possible and let them heal on their own.
Apply Vitamin E Ointment
Another thing that you can do to help lighten the appearance of your scars is to apply a vitamin E ointment or gel. Vitamin E works to lighten the skin and help reduce the appearance of scars when applied on a consistent basis. Just makes sure that if you go outside, that you put sunscreen on top of it.
Are you ready to learn more about how you can get rid of your post-operative scars? Schedule an appointment with us at our Huntington office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Plastic Surgery
How to Prepare for Your Breast Augmentation Consultation
Have you always wanted to have larger breasts but just haven’t been sure about whether or not a breast augmentation is right for you? Alternatively, have you recently stopped breastfeeding and realized that your breasts are maybe a little bit deflated? Here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we specialize in a variety of cosmetic procedures including breast augmentation. Before you come into our office for your breast augmentation consultation, however, we have created a list of a few ways for you to feel more prepared.
Bring Pictures
Sure, you may not look like Kim Kardashian or even resemble her at all, but you may like the look of her breasts. As a good point of reference for both our surgeons and yourself, bring in some pictures of some celebrities or anybody else whose breasts you feel like are a good size and shape for your body. Then, from there, we can talk more about the results that you will get from a breast augmentation procedure.
Think About the Results You Want
Here at our office, we offer patients two different types of breast implants: silicone and saline. Even though we will go over the details of these implants during your consultation appointment, it’s still good to come into our office feeling a little more informed. So, what’s the difference between silicone and saline implants?
- Silicone: Silicone implants are pre-filled implants that contain a silicone gel in them. Silicone is really popular amongst patients because it tends to feel a bit more natural and softer than saline.
- Saline: Saline implants have a silicone outer envelope that is filled with saline during the procedure. One reason why patients choose saline over silicone is that the incision is usually smaller.
The last thing that we want you to feel about getting a breast augmentation is confused or uncertain. During your consultation with our staff, we will answer any questions or concerns about this procedure to help you determine whether or not it’s right for you. To learn more, schedule a consultation at our Huntington office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Breast Augmentation
The History of Sculptra
Having more volume in your cheeks and lips is something that most people want. Here at Associated Plastic Surgeons, we provide patients with a variety of different fillers that can be used for these very reasons in addition to filling in fine lines and wrinkles in the process. Even though Juvederm and Restylane are two of the most popular types of dermal fillers, we offer another one as well that’s called Sculptra. Because Sculptra was one of the first cosmetic fillers out there, it has a long history. Just for fun, let’s take a closer look.
The Beginnings
It used to be that the only way to add more volume to your face and lips was with collagen, but collagen was anything but perfect. During the AIDS and HIV epidemic in the 1990’s, a lot of patients developed a “skeletonized” look which made cosmetic and plastic surgeons start to look for fillers that weren’t yet available. Because of the social stigma associated with this skeletal appearance, the FDA had to fast-track a new filler to help appease these individuals living with HIV and AIDS. All of a sudden, these patients were finally able to be treated with an early version of Sculptra. Even though the initial version of Sculptra helped many patients living with HIV and AIDS, the medical community didn’t have the experience in the cosmetic community yet which means that it wasn’t perfect. In fact, many patients developed small nodules.
Even though we haven’t perfected Sculptra yet, there is only a 2% chance that you’ll develop these small nodules which means that it is very rare. Additionally, Sculptra has gained more popularity over the years because it gives patients longer lasting results (up to 2 years on average) than other fillers. Additionally, it can be used basically anywhere on the face and neck where volume is needed which isn’t something that most fillers can claim.
Does Sculptra sound like something that you’re interested in learning more about? If so, schedule your Sculptra consultation at our Huntington office today and give us a call at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Dermal Fillers
Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery: How To Recover After The Surgery
Being a woman with breasts is one thing and something that most women want, but being a man with breasts is something that’s typically not sought after. If you are a male who has excess breast tissue, then you may be suffering from a condition called gynecomastia. And, if you are a part of the bodybuilding community and take certain supplements, you may be more prone to developing it. Why exactly? A lot of bodybuilders take muscle enhancing supplements which have hormones in them; this influx of hormones can cause you to form more breast tissue. Luckily, with a gynecomastia surgery from Associated Plastic Surgeons, we can help you get rid of your breast tissue and start to look more masculine in the process. During this surgery, we will remove the breast tissue to give you back that tight chest.
Gynecomastia Recovery
If you are worried about the recovery process and when you can get back to the gym, we have a few tips for you. Let’s take a closer look.
The best way for you to get back to the gym ASAP is to rest right away. The more time you allow your body to heal after surgery, the more likely you will be to get back to the gym sooner rather than later. Plus, who doesn’t love an excuse to lay in bed and watch sports all day?
Ease Back Into Weight Training
As you already know, weight training can place a lot of strain on your chest, and while you’re healing from gynecomastia surgery, that’s the last thing you want. Even though you may want to head to the gym and start lifting weights, make sure that you wait to get the approval from Dr. Duboys at Associated Plastic Surgeons. If you start lifting too soon, it could cause your stitches to come open which may lead to an infection.
Go for Cardio
Even though you can’t start weight training again for several weeks or even up to a month in some instances, you can usually begin doing some light cardio after about two weeks which will help you stay sane.
Schedule a Consultation
Don’t worry, we will send you home with a detailed list of instructions on how to recover, but these tips will help you get back to the gym hopefully faster. To learn more about gynecomastia surgery and gynecomastia surgery recovery, schedule a consultation at our Huntington office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
FAQ’s About Perlane
When it comes to cosmetic injections and fillers, we at Associated Plastic Surgeons offer more than a few options for our patients to choose from. And, although fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are really popular amongst patients everywhere, we have a variety of other fillers that give patients equally as good of results including Perlane. If you’ve never heard of Perlane, you’re not alone. This article will answer a few frequently asked questions about this filler to help you feel a bit more informed.
What Is Perlane?
Similar to Juvederm and Restylane, Perlane utilizes hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is effective because as a naturally occurring substance in the body, you won’t have to worry about any weird or adverse reactions to these types of fillers. With Perlane, Dr. Duboys can help to eliminate laughter lines, deep folds, and fine lines. Additionally, he can also use rPerlane to help add volume and contour to your lips.
Am I A Good Candidate for Perlane?
One unique thing about Perlane is that it’s suitable for all skin types regardless of whether or not you have fine lines or thin skin. In fact, the hyaluronic acid particles in Perlane are thicker which makes them ideal for treating deeper lines and wrinkles.
Perlane Results
Results vary from patient to patient, but on average, they last about 6-9 months. After your first set of injections, we will be able to get a better feel for how long they will last moving forward.
Schedule a Consultation
Having smoother, more youthful skin is possible without having to undergo surgery. If you are interested in learning more about Perlane and other fillers, schedule a consultation at our Huntington, NY office today and call us at (631) 423-1000.
- Published in Blog, Dermal Fillers